








UPGRADE your mind
rewire your
mind for
trading success.
Eliminate the negative mental patterns that are sabotaging your trading performance.
A solution to any & all of your trading psychology problems. All in one Program.










12 Week Trading Mindset Transformation Program
Our students are eliminating their emotional roadblocks & maximising profits, 
and you can too.
Our students are eliminating their emotional roadblocks & maximising profits, and you can too.

❌ Before the 12 Week Program

  • Traders were struggling to achieve consistent results.
  • They were constantly second-guessing their decisions and feeling overwhelmed.
  • They were experiencing fear and doubt and it was negatively impacting their profitability.
  • They were struggling with self-confidence. ​
  • ​They had no understanding of their own psychology and how to navigate the roadblocks that were holding them back. 

Small Call to Action Headline

✅ After the 12 Week Program

  • Our students make confident & profitable trading decisions leading them to consistent profitability.
  • Our students make consistently good decisions that lead to funding and a stable income.
  • Our students have a deep understanding of their mindset and how to navigate any emotional roadblocks they experience.
  • ​Our students have eliminated fear and doubt from their trading leading to less stress and more profit.
  • ​Our students have had a significant increase in their overall trading performance.


Countries with MYTM students.


funding secured by students.


traders impacted by mytm.

What's Included
In The 12 Week Trading Mindset
Transformation Program? 
In The 12 Week Trading Mindset Transformation Program? 
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
🎥 12 Steps To Trading Mindset Mastery Content (The 12 Laws)
Value: $2,997
Value: $2,997
✔ Included in 12 Week Trading Mindset Transformation Program
✔ Lifetime access to all the content
The 12 modules teach you our signature processes, methodologies & mindset strategies to eliminate the mental patterns that hold you back from consistent results & funding. Each week you will unlock a new transformative module. You will receive lifetime access to all the content.

Our proven step-by-step systems make it possible to:

✅ Remove the mental blocks that are sabotaging your success.
✅ Achieve consistency in your results.
✅ Achieve funded accounts.
💪 The 3-month program has been broken up into 12x easy-to-follow modules, released weekly. This makes digesting and implementing the principles effortless... to ensure you actually get results.
Inclusion #2:
💻 Trading Mindset Tools
Inclusion #2:
💻 Trading Mindset Tools
Value: $997
✔ Included in 12 Week Trading Mindset Transformation Program
✔ Lifetime access to all the tools
Our Trading Mindset Tools make achieving real brain change easy & quick to do. Ensuring you actually get real transformation that you can't get from books or YouTube videos.

Our tools & video walkthroughs slash the time & effort it takes to start thinking like a professional trader by guiding you through step-by-step mindset processes.
⏰ We have designed the 12 Week Program in a way where you just need 30-minutes a day to complete the modules & exercises. 
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #3:
Inclusion #3:
🤝 Community & Accountability
Value: $1,997
Value: $1,997
✔ Included in 12 Week Trading Mindset Transformation Program
As a member of the 12-Week Program, you'll be invited to join an exclusive cohort of traders in a private discord group. 

On top of this, you will be partnered up with an accountability partner to ensure you have support & accountability throughout the entire program (and beyond the program).  🙌
🏆 Most importantly our students get results! The program leverages the cutting-edge in psychology and has multiple layers of accountability to ensure your success.
Inclusion #4:
Inclusion #4:
💻 Performance Support
💻 Performance Support
Value: $997
✔ Included in 12 Week Trading Mindset Transformation Program
You will also have prioritised access to Pat Bailouni, our trading mindset & performance coach over Discord.

Message Pat with your specific questions and he will provide a tailored answer for your unique situation. 

Having prioritised access to Pat ensures you are getting the tailored assistance essential for your success.
⏰ Our number #1 priority is your success, therefore if you need additional fine-tuning or tailoring of the principles, Pat will always be there to help out.
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #5:
Inclusion #5:
🧑‍🏫 P.A.T | Performance Analyser for Traders
Value: $997
Value: $997
✔ Included in 12 Week Trading Mindset Transformation Program
✔ Performance Analyser for Traders (P.A.T) Downloadable Tool
Every 12-Week Program student will be able to download our newest technology, P.A.T (Performance Analyser for Traders), which will help you diagnose and pinpoint your specific trading challenges (the root problem) and show you exactly how to overcome them…

95% of the time traders incorrectly diagnose their problems and are working on the wrong things! They waste hours of time and precious energy. 

With P.A.T's 5-step process guiding you - this will no longer be an issue. 

Oh yes, and don’t worry you will still get access to the real Pat Bailouni (Your Performance Coach) over Discord whenever you have questions.
❌ Most traders go a long way, but the wrong way! They focus so much time, energy and effort on the wrong things. With P.A.T's 5-step process, you will know exactly what to focus on & exactly how to overcome your challenges.
Inclusion #6:
Inclusion #6:
🎁 BONUS: Advanced Tools
🎁 BONUS: Advanced Tools
Value: $1,997
✔ Included in 12 Week Trading Mindset Transformation Program
✔ Downloadable Tools
Get access to our newest downloadable tools:

👉 Trading Plan Checklist 2.0
👉 0 to 6-figure Checklist
👉 Going Full-time Checklist

We have added these advanced tools to ensure you achieve your consistency, funding & full-time trading goals.

You will also continue to get access to any new tools & modules which are added to The 12 Week Program in the future.
⏰ Our new advanced tools make it easier & quicker to overcome your trading mindset challenges & achieve your trading goals. 
Inclusion #1:
Inclusion #1:
Value: $997
Value: $997
Value: $997
Value: $997
Value: $997
Value: $997
Inclusion #7:
Inclusion #7:
💰 Telos Capital Funding
✔ Prioritised Access To Funding Challenges
✔ Direct Funding Pathway
As a member of the 12-Week Program, you'll receive prioritised access to our in-house Prop Firm, Telos Capital.

Telos Capital is an exclusive prop firm dedicated to developing and funding profitable traders.

The 12 Week Program will teach you everything you need to "Master Your Trading Mindset" and how to "scale your psychology" to be prepared for larger amounts of capital. Telos Capital will then offer you a funding pathway to 7-figures.
🤝 The 12 Week Program prioritises delivering cutting-edge trading mindset education & tools... However, we also wanted to set up a direct funding pathway to help our traders manage more capital (hence, Telos Capital). 


Here's your deal:
🎥 12 Steps To Trading Mindset Mastery Content
Learn our Signature 12-steps that we use to help inconsistent traders overcome their mindset challenges & achieve funding.
Value: $2,997
💻 Trading Mindset Tools
Make applying our principles and achieving lasting change effortless with our tools.
Value: $997
🤝 Community & Accountability
Ensure your success with a private group of like-minded traders & your very own personal accountability partner.
Value: $1,997
💻 Performance Support
Have Pat looking over your shoulder offering tailored insights and guidance for your unique situation.
Value: $997
🧑‍🏫 Performance Analyser for Traders (P.A.T)
Our newest technology, P.A.T, will help you diagnose and pinpoint your specific trading challenges (the root problem) and show you exactly how to overcome them…
Value: $997
🎁 Advanced Tools 
Our new advanced tools make it easier & quicker to overcome your trading mindset challenges & achieve your trading goals. 
Value: $1,997
💰 Telos Capital Funding
A direct funding pathway has been set up for you to help you scale to 7-figures. Receive prioritised access to our Funding Challenges.
Total Value: $10,979
Usual Price: $997
Today's Price: $597
🔮 The Curriculum

  👀 12-Week Program at a glance (here's what to expect...)

  🤯 Week 1: Uncover your inner wiring and tap into a new source of energy, motivation, discipline & focus.

In week 1, you will learn to understand yourself on a fundamental level so you never struggle with motivation, discipline & focus again. 

This will help you stack the odds of success in your favour as a trader. 

95% of traders fail because they don't understand themselves - they do not know how to stay motivated, disciplined and focused. 

12 Week Program students know the secret "linking" process which allows them to have an edge over their competition.

  🧭 Week 2: Masterplan your trading & life. 

Then, in week 2, we will map out your trading and life goals so you have crystal clarity on the direction you are heading. Most traders lack direction and purpose. As a result, they never build the type of momentum that leads to success...

I will show you the secrets to time management in your life so you can manage your trading success with a busy life. 

If you don't have a masterplan for your life, chances are you will help someone else build their masterplan.

  📈 Week 3: Build unstoppable momentum in your trading & life.

In week 3, we will then uncover the secrets to accomplishing your goals in trading: what to do to get consistent, confident & funded. 

We will discuss removing bad habits from your life, building successful habits & successful daily routines.

This will ensure you actually accomplish your trading & life goals.

   💎 Week 4: Learn the secrets to building a 7-figure trading plan.

In week 4, we will remove all confusion from your trading and help you gain crystal clarity on your trading strategy. I will show you what the most successful 7-figure traders have in their trading plan. 

You will get a clear template of the 3 essential components that you must have in your trading plan if you want consistent results & funding. 

I will also personally review your trading plan and offer feedback.

   🧠 Week 5: Mindset Masterclass: remove the sting of losing & missing positions.

In week 5, you will uncover the root psychological issues that hold you back as a trader (and, as a human being) and learn how to neutralise them.

​Learn a science-based methodology to remove the 'sting' of losses & missed positions (this process can be replicated whenever you need it).​

This is the week you will learn how to break out of the 'Boom' & 'Bust' cycle.

In week 5, you will learn the secrets to understanding and managing your emotions & gaining control over yourself. 

This week alone will be life-altering.

   🙏 Week 6: Master your emotional state in the markets (& in life).

​In week 6, we will continue to build on top of your prior Mindset Masterclass learnings... you will eliminate all obstacles standing in the way of you and your trading success.​​​​

   💰 Week 7: Reprogram your mind to think like a professional trader when you win & lose.

In week 7, you will learn how to deal with the emotions of large losses & wins so trading doesn't run your life. ​

Learn to see winning & losing like a professional trader.

Learn the proper mental models so you can use the market as a tool (not the other way around) and be free of the emotional "strings" of winning & losing.

   🔨 Week 8: Shatter limiting beliefs & build a successful traders' belief system.

In week 8, you will uncover deep-seated limiting beliefs that are holding you back in your trading (& life) and learn how to re-program them.

Uncover and resolve limiting beliefs & destructive thought processes that have been laying dormant in your mind for decades.

Don't let your subconscious programming run (& ruin) your trading success. 

Week 8 will teach you everything you need to know on shattering limiting beliefs and building the correct belief system.

   💪 Week 9: Own the traits of the greats for unbreakable confidence.

In week 9, you will gain unbreakable confidence in yourself & your trading abilities.

Most traders self-minimise and lack confidence. They simply just don't believe in themselves.

In week 9, I will show you why and how to break out of this destructive self-minimised state.

To ensure you have the self-belief and confidence to execute flawlessly as a trader, and to achieve your funding goals.

   🔮 Week 10: Set a new standard for your trading & life.

In week 10, you will transform the way you see yourself & set a higher standard for yourself.

The life you live is a reflection of the standards you set for yourself.

Week 10 is going to help you redefine the standards you set for yourself and mentally & physically help you "level up".

When you change the standard you set for your life, it will change the standard in which you execute as a trader (and the results you get).

   💸 Week 11: Discover the secrets of securing & scaling funded accounts.

Then, in week 11, you will uncover the secrets to passing funding challenges so you can pass on your first round. 

You will learn how to set a strong foundation with your funding account to ensure you hold onto it & continue to scale it.

You will learn how to "scale your psychology" so you feel worthy of managing larger amounts of capital (and can do so successfully).

What you will learn in week 11 will help you successfully scale to & sustain trading larger amounts of capital.

You will also receive your Telos Capital invitation to have direct access to funding (7-figure funding pathway).

   🚀 Week 12: Start building generational wealth.

Finally, in week 12, you will learn the secrets to personal finance so you can remove financial stress from your life & trading. 

You will start building passive income so you don't have to work for money for the rest of your life.

You will learn how to leverage trading (& prop firms) to start building generational wealth...

This week will help you build an overall profitable investment portfolio and show you how to create additional sources of income so you are not financially vulnerable.

I will show you how to do all of this while maintaining profitable trading results.
💰 Here's $7,000,000+ Worth Of Success Stories
Our students are getting funded, will you be next?
Our students are getting funded,
will you be next?

"You think you know your psychology until you do the 12 Week Program... it is the most intensive program I have done."

- Dillon (12 Week Program Student)

"This program is transformational - my mindset has shifted..."

- Alex (12 Week Program Student)

Matt $30,000 DAY! (Click Here)

Chris secured $100K (Click Here)

Michelle secured $450K (Click Here)

Brendan 2 rounds of funding (Click Here)

Joe secured $200K (Click Here)

Alastair secured $100K (Click Here)

Callum secured $100K (Click Here)

Ekiko secured $100K (Click Here)

Joe secured $200K (again) (Click Here)

Steve secured $80K (Click Here)

Finn secured $200K (again) (Click Here)

Dallas secured $100K (again) (Click Here)

David secured $200K (Click Here)

Kayzo regrets not joining sooner (Click Here)

Dallas secured $100K (Click Here)

Finn secured $200K (Click Here)

Andrew secured $100K (Click Here)

Edu secured $200K (Click Here)

Rosh addressed his depression (Click Here)

Matt secured $130K (Click Here)

Christian secured $50K (Click Here)

Chris secured $100K (Click Here)

Dallas secured $100K (again x2) (Click Here)

Nick had his mind blown... (Click Here)

(And, that's not all of them...)
Meet Your Coach!
Meet Your Coach!
Pat Bailouni is a Trading Mindset & Performance Coach. He created the 12 Week Program to ensure traders remove negative emotions and achieve funding.

The 12 Week Program has transformed the trading results, psychologies & lives of traders all around the world. 

Click the button below to see more success stories

"It's helping me understand my psychological issues & I would definitely recommend the program."

- Brian (12 Week Program Student)

"Since I've started the 12 Week Program I have already made improvements to my mindset..."

- Denil (12 Week Program Student)

"It's helped me understand myself and improve my psychology..."

- Pav (12 Week Program Student)

"This program was definitely transformational..."

- Iliya (12 Week Program Graduate)

"I couldn't handle losses... through this program I was able to resolve these issues."

- Daniel (12 Week Program Graduate)

"This program gave me all the tools & understandings to achieve my goals..."

- Sol (12 Week Program Graduate)



We are certain our program works

Our mission & our promise is simple: we will provide you with the cutting-edge education, strategies & tools in Trading Mindset & Performance.

We know traders value low-risk investments with high returns...

Therefore, if after implementing the teachings & tools exactly as instructed in the 12 Week Program, you aren’t: 
  • A more confident trader.
  • ​A less emotional trader.
  • ​Or, one step closer to being funded.
We will give you your money back*. 

There is literally ZERO Risk.

No risk & potentially unlimited upside 🚀
*T&Cs apply, please read FAQ.
✏️ Frequently Asked Questions

  Who is this program for?

The 12-Week Program is for forex, futures, stock, commodity, index or crypto traders (irrespective of what strategy you trade). 

This program is specifically for you if: 

1. You experience any of the following: FOMO, over-trading, revenge trading, painful losses, self-sabotage, limiting beliefs.
2. You are struggling to achieve consistent results in the markets.
3. You find yourself constantly second-guessing your decisions and feeling overwhelmed by the markets.
4. You are experiencing fear and doubt in your trading and it's impacting your performance.
5. You are looking to boost your confidence and make better, more profitable trading decisions.
6. You are interested in understanding and overcoming the psychological barriers that are holding you back from success in the markets.

  What are the common outcomes of your previous students after finishing the program?

Students who have previously completed the 12-Week Program have had the following outcomes: 

1. The ability to make confident and profitable trading decisions.
2. Consistent, profitable trades that bring in steady income.
3. A deep understanding of the financial markets and how to navigate them successfully.
4. The elimination of fear and doubt in my trading.
5. A significant increase in my overall trading performance.
6. The ability to achieve financial freedom through successful trading.

   Who is eligible for the 12 Week Challenge?

The 12-week program is NOT for everybody. To ensure you get the most out of the Program, please ensure you meet the 4 criteria below before signing up.

1. You must already have a trading strategy.
2. You must have at least 6 months of trading experience.
3. You must have 30-minutes a day to dedicate to the 12-week program content & exercises.
4. You must be teachable and willing to receive coaching.

   How is the content delivered?

The Program's content is pre-recorded and you will get instant access to Week 1's content. The proceeding weeks are released every week from your sign-up date. The estimated time required during the 12-week program is 30-minutes per day.

You will have lifetime access to the 12-week program content to re-visit at anytime.

   I already watch Pat on YouTube... what's the difference?

Pat shares less than 1% of his content, tools & strategies on YouTube.

The 12 Week Program contains the other 99%. 

These are original & never-before-seen classes, strategies and tools exclusively crafted for 12 Week Trading Mindset Transformation students only.

Most importantly, the 12 Week Program contains the Tools, Technology & Accountability (not shared on YouTube) to ensure you actually change your brain on a neuroplastic level (achieve brain change to start thinking like a professional trader). 

This program is not only jam-packed with wisdom but it's incredibly practical and will ensure you actually become the trader you want to be. 

So, to summarise these are all the things you get in the 12 Week Program (but won't ever get on YouTube):
✔️ Never-seen-before content (12 Steps To Trading Mindset Mastery).
✔️ Tools to actually ensure you achieve brain change.
✔️ 1on1 support from Pat Bailouni himself (direct contact).
✔️ Accountability partner.
✔️ Private members group.
✔️ Advanced Tools & Technology (for example P.A.T - our technology that helps you pinpoint your root challenges & helps you identify your high priority focus).
✔️ Much more...

   What kind of support will I receive?

One of the best things about this program is our incredible community! Post a question on any topic, and you'll get high-level replies from Pat. 

Pat is in the group every day, and will be there to address any questions you have.

   Does my trading style or market matter? 

Your trading style & market is irrelevant. All the lessons and tools shared will be applicable no matter what strategy you use and whether you're a day trader, swing trader, or investor. 

All the lessons and tools shared will be applicable no matter what market you trade.

   How can I know the mindset strategies & techniques will be effective for me

The trading mindset principles, strategies and techniques have been sourced from leaders in the space of Human Behaviour & Psychology, namely Dr John Demartini who was honoured as the Top Human Behaviour Specialist of the Year for 2020’ by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP).

Hundreds of students have been through the program (all with slightly different challenges) and have utilised the strategies and techniques to get results in their trading. 

And, if for whatever reason the program is not effective for you, we have a 100% money-back guarantee (we are that certain our program works).

   Can you share more information on Telos Capital

All necessary information for Telos Capital can be found here: https://telostraders.com/home

  *What are your "100% Money Back Guarantee" Terms & Conditions and Refund Policy?

100% Money Back Guarantee Terms & Conditions

We know traders value low-risk investments with high returns...

Therefore, if after implementing the teachings & tools exactly as instructed in the 12 Week Program, you aren’t: 
- A more confident trader.
​- A less emotional trader.
- ​Or, one step closer to being funded.

We will give you your money back*. 

There is literally ZERO Risk.

No risk & potentially unlimited upside 🚀

1. "Exactly as instructed" means watching all of the 12 Week Program's content (videos & text) as well as completing the prescribed exercises & tools as instructed in the walkthrough videos. 

2. Students are required to make their trading mindset challenges known to Pat so he has the opportunity to help the student on a 1-on-1 basis prior to claiming the guarantee. 

3. Definitions: 
"A more confident trader"- A trader who has more confidence in how their ideal trading set-ups look, and greater certainty in the execution of these set-ups. 

"A less emotional trader"- A trader who has the knowledge of how their emotions work and how they can neutralise these specific emotions. 

"One step closer to being funded"- A trader who is now prepared psychologically for funding.

Free Trial Terms & Conditions

All cards that are charged after the completion of the free trial are subject to the "100% Money Back Guarantee Terms & Conditions"

It is your responsibility to cancel your free trial prior to the 3 day trial ending at this link: https://masteryourtradingmindset.thrivecart.com/updateinfo/ if you do not want to continue with the Program.

Split Payment Plan Terms & Conditions

If payments on the Payment Plan are unsuccessful (due to a rejected card) you will be removed immediately from the program without a refund of your previous payment(s). 

Once the payment is completed you will be given back access to the Program. This is to protect Intellectual Property and ensure the content is valued.

To avoid this happening, please ensure you have enough funds in your account 24 hours prior to the charge date and ensure your card details have been most recently updated.

   How does the Free Trial work?

You will not be charged for the first 3 days. This is an opportunity for you to trial the 12 Week Program 100% risk-free (no-commitment).

Your card will automatically be charged after 3 days. This will grant you continued access to the 12 Week Program.

If you wish to cancel your membership (& immediately revoke access to the program) please do so prior to your 3 day free trial ending.  It can be done at https://masteryourtradingmindset.thrivecart.com/updateinfo/.

All charged cards will be subject to our "100% Money Back Guarantee" Terms & Conditions & Refund Policy. 

Bonuses will be applied after your card is charged.


A solution to any & all of your trading psychology problems. All in one Program.
🚨 Our Best Offer Ends:
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
🚨 Free Trial Offer Expires:
🚨 Our Best Offer Ends:
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Jump in now, spots are filling up fast and 
enrolment closes soon. 
Jump in now, spots are filling up fast and 
enrolment closes soon. 


TOTAL VALUE: $10,979
3 Day Free Trial then $597 payment

Split pay also available at checkout
  • ✓ 12 Steps (Laws) To Trading Mindset Mastery Content (valued at $2,997)
  • ✓ Trading Mindset Tools (valued at $997)
  • ✓ Community & Accountability Partner (valued at $1,997)
  • ✓ Performance Support from Pat Bailouni (valued at $997)
  • ✓ All Advanced Tools (valued at $2,997+)
  • ✓ Prioritised Access to Telos Capital
  • ✓ 100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee*
  • ✓ Bonus: All 12 Weeks Content Unlocked
  • ✓ Bonus: Personalised Coaching Plan (Video Message)
  • ✓ Bonus: Free Trial (Non-Obligatory)

"If not the best, one of the best Programs I have participated in..."

- Jawar 

"This content is mind-blowing..."

- Rene 

"This Program is amazing... I love the tools"

- Kyle 

"You have helped me level up the psychological side of trading... "

- Eoin

Copyright © Bailouni Enterprises